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We know the difference between good and bad habits but we maximum time gab the bad habits can't apply good habits in life and for us changing habits is a great difficult job but in this blog I am going relief in this pain help you to change your habits easily.

How Habits Are Made

The habits made in these 4 stages

  • Cue
  • Craving
  • Respond
  • Satisfaction 
1) Cue- The cue uses a trigger for a habit which remembering you the reward will you will get in     the end of the habit for example: 
Social media notification etc.
2) Craving- In this stage, our heart and mind are deciding to do that habit or not, if the reward is interesting you are doing to do that habit or if not you’re not going to do that for example: After getting that notification this stage start etc.
3) Respond- The respond is an important stage if the response is easy than going to do that but if the response is hard we are unable to do that for example: 
Easy- Using a fingerprint scanner easily access the mobile 
Hard- If you forget or don’t know the password you are unable to do that.
4) Satisfaction- This is the last stage, satisfaction or reward or pleasure if this is not satisfying you are not going to do that again for example:
After reading that you feel satisfied and you want to do that again.

If any of this stage is removed the habit will not create for example
If cue removed habit will not start
Or the craving is reduced you will not want to do that
And if the response is hard you will unable to do that
At last, if the satisfaction is not satisfying will not going to do that

How to Destroy Bad Habits

These are the steps to destroy bad habits
·         Identify the cue and try to avoid it, for example of the notification of social media.
·         To reduce craving make though like if I spent time in it I will unable to do anything in life.
·         To make response hard to make a password of 12 characteristics of upper case, lower case, different symbol, letters etc.
·         To reduce satisfaction, try to remove the interesting part like memes.

How to Create Good Habits

These are the steps to create good habits for example book reading
·         To add cue keep the books where you can easily see. So, that the cue could start.
·         To increase the craving you can start thinking about the benefits and result in the end.
·         Keep book somewhere where you easily got that, keep a bookmark to get directly to the last page you left.
·         Read your favourite or interesting books to get more satisfaction.


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