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This blog is to inform and spread awareness about the issue and great upcoming problem for gamers



In the above picture is can be your future image if you are a gamer. Yes, by research it comes to that the lifestyle of the current gamers in present after 20 years; every average gamer will look like this.

The gamers will be overweight, physical activities zero (0), neck and spine will bend, the skin is yellowish, dark circle on the face, incomplete sleep, in stress, did not get proper nutrient, the life span will reduce etc

The solution to this upcoming problem 

The solutions are simple following these things

  • A normal gamer average should play games only about 1-2 hours
  • Play indoor or outdoor game also
  • Take sunbath for 30min every in morning
  •  Maintain your posture while play games
  • Take proper sleep and food
  • If possible do yoga exercise or physical activity 


If you are a gamer or known gamer please share to him because we have to stop this upcoming problem we have spread awareness.  


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